Mining Conceal (CCX) with CryptoNightConceal on Nvidia GPUs

The Conceal (CCX) project is another attempt at a privacy oriented crypto coin that offers some interesting features one of which is the so called Decentralized Banking with coins getting locked to earn interest. Conceal is based on the Cryptonote protocol and uses the so called CryptoNightConceal algorithm, a variation that is based on CryptoNight and thus is considered to be an “AMD Coin” due to the fact that AMD GPUs usually do perform better in CN algos. With low mining profits and with more people looking into mining other interesting projects however even Nvidia GPU miners are looking into potentially interesting CN-based coins. With the latest CryptoDredge v0.21.0 Nvidia GPU miner support for the CryptoNightConceal algorithm has been added and the performance does not…